Lefty didn’t think of himself as deformed, more like asymmetrical, and which way he leaned politically–right or left–he said depended on whether he was coming or going . . .
Lefty didn’t think of himself as deformed, more like asymmetrical, and which way he leaned politically–right or left–he said depended on whether he was coming or going . . .
Shirley (right) and Shelley (left) were puzzled; everybody said they were identical twins. Surely they could see that Shelly’s tail was a full 3/4″ longer than Shirley’s, couldn’t they . . .?
Her Royal Fuzziness, The Princess Buttercup, had been charged with protecting the family from rogue armadillos. She was practicing her “Kill” look, hoping intimidation would limit the actual need for violence . . .
Eustace swore he would be the last man standing at his bachelor party, and it was down to him and Gary. And then he remembered, hey, they were bison, not men; had the bartender buffaloed them into drinking too much . . .?
Buford J. Buford and his brothers wanted to try out for the upcoming summer Olympics water polo team but were having trouble finding the right size required Speedo . . .
Bruce, feeling scruffy and a little foggy, was beginning to think his wife was right–partying on Sunday night may not have been the best choice–and that last beer, well . . .