David Mortenson

About David Mortenson

I'm David Mortenson. I've traveled widely in my business and frequently photo-documented various business projects. I have been fortunate in being able to photograph nature, culture, interesting architecture and the like while abroad in Europe and Asia and across the Americas. As you'll see in looking at Another Good Reason, nature is my favorite subject, be it flowers, bees, birds, spiders, snakes, or bears. I'm also fascinated by patterns, man-made or natural, and doors. You will see all of these subjects in these photo-cartoons, as well as interesting and beautiful architecture and landscapes. While beautiful is also interesting, some interesting things may not always be beautiful, while still being photo-worthy. The basic concept for Another Good Reason is a photograph--beautiful and/or interesting--with a short, 2 or 3 line story with quirky humor not unlike Gary Larsen's "The Far Side". Often the flower, bird, or other subject of the photo will have a funny story to tell or a problem to solve. The goal is to entertain without negatively targeting any ethnic group, religion, political party, or nationality. Public figures, however, are fair game. Lady GaGa, Al Gore, or anyone in the headlines has or will have a story about them. There's a wide variety of excellent photography equipment out there, but I've been a Nikon photographer for years because of their sharp, crisp lenses and "bulletproof" gear.

Catch and Release

Catch and release sounded good over drinks with his girlfriend (who thought killing animals was cruel), but some doubts surfaced  when Glen tried the first actual release in the wild . . .

By |September 2nd, 2018|Categories: Dating Scene, Reptiles & Amphibians, Sports, Texas|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Catch and Release

Tax Blues

Even though the girl band (The Fabulous Blues Babes) was working for tips at the coffee house, their accountant said “Chump change” is still taxable . . .

By |August 31st, 2018|Categories: Flowers|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Tax Blues

I Want to Hold Your Hand

When “I Want To Hold Your Hand” was playing at the Beatles Revival Party, Twyla Sue, a brown widow spider, found it difficult to find a dance partner. Which of the four hands should he hold was one question potential partners asked, and would she eat him when the dance was done . . .

By |August 29th, 2018|Categories: Bugs, Musicians, Spiders|Tags: , , |Comments Off on I Want to Hold Your Hand

Short Fat Guy

Try as he might–diet, exercise, the gym, paddle boarding–Dennis was still a short fat guy, and yes, he was a little prickly about it . . .

By |August 28th, 2018|Categories: Flowers, Food, Health, Sports|Tags: , |Comments Off on Short Fat Guy

She Works Hard for Her Money

Lola took the job as border patrol spotter; the pay was good, the benefits better, but even with good thermal updrafts  to ride, 8 hours flying was hard work . . .

By |August 27th, 2018|Categories: Birds, Economy, Politics|Tags: , |Comments Off on She Works Hard for Her Money


Lenny (not pictured) called his wife Lucy (also not pictured), who everybody agreed was the brains of the outfit, to ask if she had any ideas on getting some FEMA money to start a business. The last of the debris from his Hurricane Harvey job had been collected, and as he told it, both the debris and he had been fired . . .

By |August 24th, 2018|Categories: Economy, Natural Disasters|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Fired