Al Gore

Reproductive Choices

Lizzy was not going to put up with having no reproductive choices any more; roses were perennials, they didn’t have to start all over every year from seed, why should Lizzie and her kind?  Reproductive rights issues were in the news every day, if she could just get the media’s attention.  Maybe a fund raiser–get Al Gore and his band the AlGoreRhythms to do a benefit concert in Central Park . . . . .  David, Sf.G.

By |February 18th, 2013|Categories: Flowers|Tags: , |Comments Off on Reproductive Choices

Focus Groups

Jin Yen Wu just couldn’t believe it; the participants in the American focus groups didn’t embrace his concept of urban transportation for the new century in spite of their recently re-elected president supposedly fighting for lowered fuel consumption and Al Gore jumping on the band wagon with him.  The problem seemed to revolve around difficulty in cornering with a full load of soccer girls and one or two soccer moms.  There was also a question about cup holders . . . . .  David, Sf.G.

By |January 8th, 2013|Categories: China, Vehicles|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Focus Groups

Too Thin

Josie, lead singer of The Buffalo Gals Montana Country Choir (they had played once with Al Gore & the AlGoreRhythms), had been told all her life she was a beauty and should run for Miss Montana.  The judges, however, said she was too thin . . . . .  David, Sf.G.

By |August 28th, 2012|Categories: Montana|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Too Thin

I Must Hurry

Zoe had really begun to believe that the social media thing had some possibilities besides just being used for starting revolutions in the Middle East; a case in point, her girl friend Chloe had just texted her that the University of Phoenix (on line) was having a jobs fair in the park, and at the last minute, they had gotten Al Gore and his band The AlGoreRhythms to to do a gig.  All she could say was, “Wow, The AlGoreRhythms, I must hurry”.  . . . .  David, Sf.G.

By |July 5th, 2012|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds|Tags: , , |Comments Off on I Must Hurry

Early AlGoreRhythms


Even at a very young age, Al Gore (pictured, left, standing, with Violin) was very ambitious;  in addition to planning to be a ruler of the free world,  invent the Internet, and save the planet, young Al had a strong musical talent.  Above is a recently discovered photo of him showing his typical strong leadership by organizing an early version of his band, the AlGoreRhythms. . . . . David, Sf.G.

By |June 5th, 2012|Categories: Urban scenes|Tags: , |Comments Off on Early AlGoreRhythms