Going Goth
Andrea thought going “Goth” was kind of cool–she liked the contrasting black eyeliner– but thought the black lipstick was a little over the top . . .
Andrea thought going “Goth” was kind of cool–she liked the contrasting black eyeliner– but thought the black lipstick was a little over the top . . .
Polly couldn’t believe what Blake was telling her–Blake had just heard on MSNBC–Michelle Obama was leaving Barack and the White House to marry George Clooney and start a new Hip Hop record label featuring former politicians like Newt, Romney, and Janet Reno . . .
“Oh, like whatever, I’m like with my BFF Britz, and she’s cool with me like talking to Y’all, even though we’re busy seriously power shopping, like, she gets the need for communication, but she goes like, ‘no selfies’ . . .”
Henry (pictured, sitting) wished for once Lucille (pictured, open beak) could wait until he finished eating to tell her corny jokes; sure, sometimes she had a good one, but most of the time they were just recycled material from late night talk shows–the kind of thing where you had to have “been there” to really get it.
The Donald, with his right leaning politics and hawkish outlook, had only one real challenge with his supporters and the media–his hair . . .
It’s a little known fact, but yes, Wal-Mart bought out Wonder Bread, and now the iconic loaf with a lot of air and a little flour, along with Twinkies, Ho Ho’s and Ding Dongs, are all made in China. As urban legend can attest, shelf life has never been a problem . . .