Empty As a Politician’s Promise
As part of a political inducement at election time, the locals had been promised all the alfalfa hay they could eat all winter. Turns out the hay feeders were as empty as a politician’s promise . . .
As part of a political inducement at election time, the locals had been promised all the alfalfa hay they could eat all winter. Turns out the hay feeders were as empty as a politician’s promise . . .
Clarence was finding that being beautiful had its rewards, but also its downside. Last Thursday, for instance, he had been asked if the Red meant he was Republican, or if he was Communist, and his Irish friends asked if it meant he was a British Red Coat, and finally he was asked if he was the scarlet colored Wild Beast mentioned in the Bible book of Revelation . . .
John Boy, an ultra conservative (and a bit of a gun collector) wanted a real hide-away home with his back protected and a good view for early warning of any trespassers. He was pretty sure the only ones that would find him here were one of his soon-to-be ex-wife’s process servers or Jehovah’s Witnesses . . .
Hearing about the influx of unaccompanied children coming across the Rio Grande River into Texas gave Ike, who lives in Northern Idaho next to the Canadian border, reason for concern. He was pretty sure the thought of swimming across the glacier-fed lake would act as a deterrent for the pesky Canadian kids, but nonetheless, he spent most of his daylight hours in his pickup, watching. Just in case . . .
With the change of government, the new leaders promised an open door policy which sounded good–until everyone found out there just wasn’t much to see now that the doors were open . . .
Bobby Jim, a Texas resident who lived just outside Houston, kept hearing promises about a fix for oil shortages. In typical Texas tradition, he took action in his back yard–problem solved . . .