David Mortenson

About David Mortenson

I'm David Mortenson. I've traveled widely in my business and frequently photo-documented various business projects. I have been fortunate in being able to photograph nature, culture, interesting architecture and the like while abroad in Europe and Asia and across the Americas. As you'll see in looking at Another Good Reason, nature is my favorite subject, be it flowers, bees, birds, spiders, snakes, or bears. I'm also fascinated by patterns, man-made or natural, and doors. You will see all of these subjects in these photo-cartoons, as well as interesting and beautiful architecture and landscapes. While beautiful is also interesting, some interesting things may not always be beautiful, while still being photo-worthy. The basic concept for Another Good Reason is a photograph--beautiful and/or interesting--with a short, 2 or 3 line story with quirky humor not unlike Gary Larsen's "The Far Side". Often the flower, bird, or other subject of the photo will have a funny story to tell or a problem to solve. The goal is to entertain without negatively targeting any ethnic group, religion, political party, or nationality. Public figures, however, are fair game. Lady GaGa, Al Gore, or anyone in the headlines has or will have a story about them. There's a wide variety of excellent photography equipment out there, but I've been a Nikon photographer for years because of their sharp, crisp lenses and "bulletproof" gear.

Hurricane Harvey Rescue Shelter

When Conrad told his friends all he wanted at the emergency shelter was the promised hot shower and a dry cot,  they told him, “Don’t be gullible, there’s no birds allowed . . .”

By |August 29th, 2017|Categories: Birds, Natural Disasters|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Hurricane Harvey Rescue Shelter

More Than Expected

Twyla Sue, known for being sharp and missing nothing, noticed that the rain from tropical storm Harvey had indeed been more than expected . . .

By |August 28th, 2017|Categories: Natural Disasters, Texas|Tags: |Comments Off on More Than Expected

Action Figure

Larry (pictured) had dithered long enough; it was time to propose to his longtime girlfriend and get the job done. His brother said that his new decisiveness made him a real action figure, yet Larry somehow had never figured himself as G. I. Joe or one of the Transformers. . .

By |August 24th, 2017|Categories: Birds, Dating Scene|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Action Figure

New Band

While dining, Jose had a brainstorm for his new band’s name: The Purple Pollen Eaters . . .

By |August 23rd, 2017|Categories: Bugs, Flowers, Musicians|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on New Band

Didn’t Happen

Alvin was disappointed; his spiritual adviser told him if he buried his head in the sand during the eclipse and prayed, he would win the Powerball jackpot. Didn’t happen . . .

By |August 21st, 2017|Categories: Birds, Pop culture|Tags: , |Comments Off on Didn’t Happen

Size Issues

Eugene hadn’t planned on swimming nude, but repeated trips to the mall didn’t yield one Speedo his size . . .

By |August 20th, 2017|Categories: Reptiles & Amphibians, Sports|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Size Issues