David Mortenson

About David Mortenson

I'm David Mortenson. I've traveled widely in my business and frequently photo-documented various business projects. I have been fortunate in being able to photograph nature, culture, interesting architecture and the like while abroad in Europe and Asia and across the Americas. As you'll see in looking at Another Good Reason, nature is my favorite subject, be it flowers, bees, birds, spiders, snakes, or bears. I'm also fascinated by patterns, man-made or natural, and doors. You will see all of these subjects in these photo-cartoons, as well as interesting and beautiful architecture and landscapes. While beautiful is also interesting, some interesting things may not always be beautiful, while still being photo-worthy. The basic concept for Another Good Reason is a photograph--beautiful and/or interesting--with a short, 2 or 3 line story with quirky humor not unlike Gary Larsen's "The Far Side". Often the flower, bird, or other subject of the photo will have a funny story to tell or a problem to solve. The goal is to entertain without negatively targeting any ethnic group, religion, political party, or nationality. Public figures, however, are fair game. Lady GaGa, Al Gore, or anyone in the headlines has or will have a story about them. There's a wide variety of excellent photography equipment out there, but I've been a Nikon photographer for years because of their sharp, crisp lenses and "bulletproof" gear.


Wolf Spiders like Elsie don’t spin webs and so are homeless by most standards. This usually didn’t bother Elsie except when she had to lug the kids around in an egg sac.  It was hard to find a date even on those Internet dating sites . . .

By |July 26th, 2018|Categories: Dating Scene, Spiders|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Homeless

Licorice Lover

Herman (pictured, not the “German”) loved licorice, but it turned his tongue black on a regular basis. This occasioned no end of teasing from friends and family, and his girlfriend wouldn’t kiss him when he had black tongue; she suggested he switch to chocolate, pointing out that a) it didn’t discolor his tongue, and b) chocolate, along with beer and pizza, was one of the three essential food groups . . .

By |July 26th, 2018|Categories: Dating Scene, Exotic Animals, Food|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Licorice Lover

Just Grin and Bear It

Bruce (pictured) had always wanted to be a bear; in fact, until he went to school and learned otherwise, he really did think he was a bear.  After reading a self help book that kept repeating, “You can be what you want to be if you want it bad enough,” Bruce tried to do the bear-like thing & catch fish for dinner. He thought his owner empowered him when he said to “just grin and bear it . . .”

By |July 24th, 2018|Categories: Dogs|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Just Grin and Bear It

Deodorant Not Working

In spite of those TV commercials’ promises, after a quick sniff, Gi Gi was pretty sure her deodorant was not working, which probably explained her mate’s absence for the last few days . . .

By |July 23rd, 2018|Categories: Birds|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Deodorant Not Working

Safety Net

Rudy’s high wire circus act went well, but he really liked knowing that the safety net was down there . . .

By |July 20th, 2018|Categories: Spiders|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Safety Net

Daytime TV Madness

The pet psychiatrist had bad news; Buttercup had a bad case of Daytime TV Madness.  She would have to go cold turkey no matter how hard it seemed; she couldn’t watch TV–not even the 10:00 News before bed . . .

By |July 20th, 2018|Categories: Dogs|Tags: , |Comments Off on Daytime TV Madness