About David Mortenson
I'm David Mortenson. I've traveled widely in my business and frequently photo-documented various business projects. I have been fortunate in being able to photograph nature, culture, interesting architecture and the like while abroad in Europe and Asia and across the Americas. As you'll see in looking at Another Good Reason, nature is my favorite subject, be it flowers, bees, birds, spiders, snakes, or bears. I'm also fascinated by patterns, man-made or natural, and doors. You will see all of these subjects in these photo-cartoons, as well as interesting and beautiful architecture and landscapes. While beautiful is also interesting, some interesting things may not always be beautiful, while still being photo-worthy.
The basic concept for Another Good Reason is a photograph--beautiful and/or interesting--with a short, 2 or 3 line story with quirky humor not unlike Gary Larsen's "The Far Side". Often the flower, bird, or other subject of the photo will have a funny story to tell or a problem to solve. The goal is to entertain without negatively targeting any ethnic group, religion, political party, or nationality. Public figures, however, are fair game. Lady GaGa, Al Gore, or anyone in the headlines has or will have a story about them.
There's a wide variety of excellent photography equipment out there, but I've been a Nikon photographer for years because of their sharp, crisp lenses and "bulletproof" gear.
The boys learned early–if you pass gas in a crowd, turn to the one next to you and say (loudly) “Did you do that . . .?
The dog had a name and got to come in and be with people. The cat wasn’t called by any name, she was just the “cat.” She didn’t get to come in either–some nonsense about “allergies.” Her lawyer suggested suing the dog for alienation of affection.
Penny had told James that she wasn’t interested in him, she was mating with Huey–so buzz off. But he kept at it, and there seemed to be no place to hide . . .
After hearing of 450 shootings in Chicago over the weekend, Red was glad to be in Texas. Sure, there was lots of shooting in Texas, just not at people (unless they needed it) . . .
The head caretaker for the Forbidden City was at first was concerned about the “no hurricane coverage” clause in the new insurance policy, but realized in time they didn’t get that many hurricanes in the Beijing area . . .
Maybe it was a by-product from binge watching insect horror films featuring Venus Fly Traps all night, but Roosevelt thought this flower was just a little too inviting . . .