David Mortenson

About David Mortenson

I'm David Mortenson. I've traveled widely in my business and frequently photo-documented various business projects. I have been fortunate in being able to photograph nature, culture, interesting architecture and the like while abroad in Europe and Asia and across the Americas. As you'll see in looking at Another Good Reason, nature is my favorite subject, be it flowers, bees, birds, spiders, snakes, or bears. I'm also fascinated by patterns, man-made or natural, and doors. You will see all of these subjects in these photo-cartoons, as well as interesting and beautiful architecture and landscapes. While beautiful is also interesting, some interesting things may not always be beautiful, while still being photo-worthy. The basic concept for Another Good Reason is a photograph--beautiful and/or interesting--with a short, 2 or 3 line story with quirky humor not unlike Gary Larsen's "The Far Side". Often the flower, bird, or other subject of the photo will have a funny story to tell or a problem to solve. The goal is to entertain without negatively targeting any ethnic group, religion, political party, or nationality. Public figures, however, are fair game. Lady GaGa, Al Gore, or anyone in the headlines has or will have a story about them. There's a wide variety of excellent photography equipment out there, but I've been a Nikon photographer for years because of their sharp, crisp lenses and "bulletproof" gear.

Not From Here

Kendra, visiting from New York, had never seen a sunset like this back home– Maybe it was a bizarre reflection from a dirty windshield . . .

By |January 4th, 2017|Categories: sunsets & rainbows, Texas, Travel|Tags: , |Comments Off on Not From Here

Just Another Texas Sunset

As it turned out, it was not  an argument between Hillary and Bill about whether they should attend the Trump inauguration or what they would tweet, but just another glorious Texas Sunset . . .

By |January 3rd, 2017|Categories: Landscapes, Politics, sunsets & rainbows, Texas|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Just Another Texas Sunset

Snake Eaters

Jacques had read about a group of hard core, special ops tough guys that called themselves “The Snake Eaters” and thought he’d try it–Not as easy as he had thought . . .

By |January 2nd, 2017|Categories: Birds, Bizarre, Reptiles & Amphibians|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Snake Eaters

Missed Anniversary

Too late, Jose realized he had once again missed his wedding anniversary, but he thought Belinda, his wife, was taking it a little more seriously than he had anticipated . . .

By |January 1st, 2017|Categories: Spiders|Tags: |Comments Off on Missed Anniversary

Nowhere to Hide

As the snow got deeper, Rufus found it increasingly difficult to hide from his soon to be ex-wife’s lawyers, process servers, and the bill collectors . . .

By |December 29th, 2016|Categories: Alaska, Exotic Animals, Lawyers|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Nowhere to Hide

Just Yaaking

The beautiful little Yaak River sometimes sounded like a bunch of people yakking all at one time, but it was a peaceful conversation . . .

By |December 28th, 2016|Categories: Landscapes, Montana, Travel|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Just Yaaking