Bad Reception
Gabriella was worried her antennas weren’t working right–she could only get NPR and an oldies station–no Rush Limbaugh or Hannity. A vast Left Wing conspiracy . . .?
Gabriella was worried her antennas weren’t working right–she could only get NPR and an oldies station–no Rush Limbaugh or Hannity. A vast Left Wing conspiracy . . .?
Chloe had applied for a job as a Blues vocalist for Al Gore and his Band The AlGoreRhythms. Al said just because he was politically blue didn’t mean they were into the blues and suggested she might try for a late night weekly blues gig with NPR . . .
Enrique, not the sharpest knife in the drawer, had been told by his friends that if he wrapped his antlers in aluminum foil he could pick up AM radio and that way not miss Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity every day, and he might be able to get some of the AM oldies stations. He had two concerns: Would he miss NPR on FM, and would the foil make him an ungulate lightning rod in a thunder storm . . . ?
While changing the radio in her car from NPR news to the old Rock and Roll station, Kelli accidentally got Rush Limbaugh, who was on a bit of a rant about the government collecting all of our phone, E-mail, and text data in an attempt to catch terrorists. It didn’t take long for a little paranoia to take root, and now she couldn’t shake the feeling, that someone–big brother–was following and watching her every move. . . . . David, Sf.G.