
    631.7 Miles to Cuba

    New to kayaking and navigation, Ben was pretty sure he had made a wrong turn when he saw the 631.7 miles to Cuba sign . . .

    By |May 18th, 2016|Categories: Boats, Landscapes, Sports, Travel|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 631.7 Miles to Cuba

      Oh Deer!

      Ida, on hearing that the U S would open an embassy in Havana, applied for a job as a diplomat, but was told that the probable response to meeting her would be “Oh Deer,” and that didn’t translate well into Cuban Spanish, possibly causing uncomfortable moments.  The State Department suggested she should apply at Interior, where her “Oh Deer” could go quite well with the news of shrinking budgets for Interior to cover shortfalls for the Affordable Care Act.

      Further Than it Looks on the Map

      When Gwen told her friends that she had always wanted to visit Cuba, they told her, “Look at the map, it looks like it’s just over the horizon.”  On the map, the distance from Galveston to Cuba was only a couple of fingers wide, but once under way it seemed to be farther than it looked . . . . .  David, Sf.G.

      By |July 31st, 2012|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Texas|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Further Than it Looks on the Map