Nowhere to Hide
As the snow got deeper, Rufus found it increasingly difficult to hide from his soon to be ex-wife’s lawyers, process servers, and the bill collectors . . .
As the snow got deeper, Rufus found it increasingly difficult to hide from his soon to be ex-wife’s lawyers, process servers, and the bill collectors . . .
When the photographer from Texas asked to take Bruce’s picture, promising to send him a print, he thought why not? Upon reflection, he thought that it would probably end up in National Geographic, the photographer getting big bucks, and Bruce getting nothing but a copy of the magazine and a photo he could frame . . .
After his wife booked a nature hiking vacation in Arizona in the Sonoran desert in August (An un-researched eBay deal, cheap and now he understood why) and this year a rustic Alaskan vacation in February, all he could say when she started talking about Africa or India was “Nevermore!”
Henry hated to admit it–he’d never Tweet it or post in on his Facebook page at the risk of being called wimpy, but dang, he really had cold feet flying here in Alaska. He wondered: “Shouldn’t I be able to find something, anything, in the way of foot warmers on Amazon or eBay?” . . . . . David, Sf.G.
Alan started working for the ice company while still in college as an intern and went full time as soon as he got his MBA, but he found a good education and good work ethic were not all that was needed. Climbing the corporate ladder was proving much more difficult than he had expected. . . . . David, Sf.G.