When Tony learned about the “pet rock” craze in the 60’s he became fascinated; in fact his uncle thought it had gone to the point of obsession or hoarding. . .
When Tony learned about the “pet rock” craze in the 60’s he became fascinated; in fact his uncle thought it had gone to the point of obsession or hoarding. . .
Angry, Eldridge’s girlfriend tweeted #social_butterfly and it went viral, over 1,000,000 re-tweets the first day. Good way to meet chicks . . .
When Henry bought the new rig, he thought that the salesman was just padding the price when he encouraged Henry to go for the anti-lock brake option, but when Henry, who had been texting his girlfriend while driving, suddenly saw he was about to crash, he began to think maybe ABS wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
Lucy, fading fast, hadn’t gotten to the Prince Funeral in time and just hoped that she could get a little of the purple rain to refresh her . . .
Henry and Heidi were all atwitter–they were practicing and practicing,–they intended to win first place in the “Dance of the Duckbutts” this year . . .
The Cactus Flower Girls from Tombstone, Arizona made it a point to be at the Stand Up Comedians’ convention in Las Vegas every year. The competition was fierce, and while everyone thought them funny, it was considered rather dry humor.