
  • Like many teens, Luigi and Bruce turned their backs on their mother's wise advice, but they soon found out she was right--Serrano peppers were not the same as crawdads or tadpoles . . .
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Not Listening

By |December 26th, 2018|Categories: Birds, Food|Tags: , |Comments Off on Not Listening
  • One of Helen's kids, Elly, was no trouble, but her brother Hector was always questioning why they had to eat nothing but green stuff.  "Couldn't we get a McRib or Chick Fil-A for a change?" he asked . . .
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Do We Have to be Vegan?

By |December 20th, 2018|Categories: Exotic Animals, Food|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Do We Have to be Vegan?

    Dinner Reservations

    Once he left the nest and had to make a living on his own, Horace quickly learned that death, taxes, and road kill wait for no one . . .

    By |November 26th, 2018|Categories: Birds, Food|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Dinner Reservations

      Change in Diet

      Wintering in Texas, thought Donny, was fraught with peril for the body beautiful crowd.  You just couldn’t help looking a little rounder with all the BBQ, Tex-Mex,  and fried food . . .

      By |November 23rd, 2018|Categories: Birds, Food, Texas|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Change in Diet

        Where’s the Beef?

        Every time the neighbor kids rode by on their bikes and shouted “Where’s the beef,” Bruce got nervous . . .

        By |October 6th, 2018|Categories: domestic animals, Food|Tags: |Comments Off on Where’s the Beef?

          Frog Legs

          After the storm muddied the waters, fishing on the Gulf Coast had been tough, but the frog leg supply seemed to be holding up . . .

          By |September 20th, 2018|Categories: Birds, Fishing, Food, Reptiles & Amphibians, Texas|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Frog Legs