I’d Walk a Mile for a Camel
When Sufi saw the old advertisement for cigarettes that said “I’d walk a mile for a Camel,” she wondered how she could find that guy–she’d let him do one of her miles . . .
When Sufi saw the old advertisement for cigarettes that said “I’d walk a mile for a Camel,” she wondered how she could find that guy–she’d let him do one of her miles . . .
Kenny didn’t mind being vegan, for folks his size the only alternative was bugs and worms. Eating enough grass/seeds for 7 month hibernation took all summer . . .
Thinking a little “change-up” may help in mating season, Gwen decided to have her lips and ears pierced and corn rows for her snout. She hoped it wouldn’t be over the top . . .
Dennis was beginning to think his girlfriend was right; being a cheapskate and not renting the snowshoes hadn’t been his best idea . . .
When the team from Kenya arrived for the Kentucky Derby, the locals snorted in derision until the Africans explained those were British racing stripes . . .