A selection of Various Birds
Diet Issues
Jeremy was trying to figure out his dietary restrictions; he didn’t keep Kosher, he didn’t observe Halal restrictions, and he wasn’t guilty of offending Hindus by eating beef, nor was he a vegan; all he ate was mice. Frogs and snakes were always an option, but even after watching Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern eat weird stuff, he just couldn’t get his head around amphibians or reptiles . . . . David, Sf.G.
What Then?
The manager of the Saint Louis Cardinals had really liked the way Bubba John could throw a ball, but when Bubba turned down an offer to play for the “Cards”, and said he wanted to play for the Yankees, the Cards manager had angrily told him if he went elsewhere, he could never be a real Cardinal. “What if he’s right,” thought Bubba, “what will I be, a vulture, a sparrow (perhaps Jack Sparrow?) or maybe a goose?” Did he get a choice?. . . . David, Sf.G.
Does This Make My Butt Look Fat?
As their dating became more regular, and more serious, the questions–the personal questions–were harder to deal with, but when John’s girlfriend Jackie proudly showed off her long elegant tail feathers and asked “Do these make my butt look fat?” he could honestly say no. . . . . David, Sf.G.
A Troubling Thought
While wading in the water just off the public beach, Bob saw a convoy of black vans and pursuit cars skid to a halt not far from him in the sand. As the armed SWAT teams got out, the leader, using a bullhorn, told Bob, “Don’t worry, we’re from the Internet,” but he was not comforted. Bob realized that he had been caught breaking the rules; he had placed the same ad on Craigslist twice at the same time in the same city, using two two separate E-mail addresses . . . . David, Sf.G.
Further Than it Looks on the Map
When Gwen told her friends that she had always wanted to visit Cuba, they told her, “Look at the map, it looks like it’s just over the horizon.” On the map, the distance from Galveston to Cuba was only a couple of fingers wide, but once under way it seemed to be farther than it looked . . . . . David, Sf.G.
Loren was doing his best to entertain the group that had come to his Political Action Committee fund drive for his favorite politician and, the truth be told, he was a pretty fair stand up comedian. He just wished he would never again hear “That guy Quacks me up”. Thinking about his famous relative, he just kept asking himself “What would Daffy Duck do?” . . . . David, Sf.G.