Beach Scenes

    Tango, Not Tangle

    Guido, like many New Yorkers, thought communication was talking and didn’t give much thought to the listening part.  As a result, he thought his girlfriend had said “tangle,” not “Tango,” when suggesting dance lessons.  Turns out she thought real lessons, not YouTube videos, might be helpful as well . . .

    By |June 28th, 2015|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Dating Scene, Pop culture|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Tango, Not Tangle

      Swing Vote

      With the appeals court evenly split, Rhonda was the swing vote, and she was leaning towards the right . . .

      By |June 8th, 2015|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Politics|Tags: , |Comments Off on Swing Vote

        Elvis/Viva Las Vegas

        Gerard was ready for the Elvis Viva Las Vegas look-a-like contest.  He had the hair down, the hip shuffle, everything but the sequined jumpsuit.  Well, he’d just have to wing it . . .

        By |May 13th, 2015|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Musicians, Pop culture|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Elvis/Viva Las Vegas

          Always Talking Down

          Judy hated it when her husband Ken always talked down to her at social gatherings just because he was a lofty nuclear physicist and she a humble micro biologist.  This led her to begin work on a new humility virus she was going to test on him, and then send to all politicians, sports stars, movie and TV stars and the Hollywood/music crowd disguised as Jelly Belly jelly beans . . .

          By |May 12th, 2015|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Pop culture|Tags: , |Comments Off on Always Talking Down

            50 Shades of Red

            Justine was so engrossed in 50 Shades of Gray that she forgot her SPF50 sunblock and was headed for 50 shades of red . . .

            By |May 11th, 2015|Categories: Beach Scenes, Pop culture, Texas|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 50 Shades of Red

              No Respect

              Since the budget cuts and downsizing–of both personnel and equipment–Clem had been forced to use a paddle board as his pilot boat to direct the super tankers and mega container ships to their docking site. He just didn’t feel he got the respect a pilot should have . . .

              By |May 8th, 2015|Categories: Beach Scenes, Economy, Texas, Vehicles|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on No Respect