Beach Scenes

    Back to Work

    Timing couldn’t have been better; Bobby (pictured) had just gotten his degree from the University of Phoenix (On Line). He had returned to school after his layoff two years ago, and had gotten a degree in environmental science. Now here he was, down on the beach, looking for tar balls–but hey, it was a job.

    By |September 29th, 2016|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Economy, Education|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Back to Work

      Just a Sip

      Timmy’s mother had told him, “Don’t drink the swimming pool water; who knows what’s in it?” But Timmy couldn’t resist, just a sip . . .

      By |August 25th, 2016|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Health|Tags: , |Comments Off on Just a Sip

        Swing Vote

        The only thing better than winning the office football pool was being the small town hold-out “swing vote” . . .

        By |August 3rd, 2016|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Politics, Texas|Tags: , |Comments Off on Swing Vote

          Not Her Type

          Sure, they both had long legs, long beaks, and liked sushi, but Juanita just couldn’t get the guy to understand–he was not her type, and he never would be . . .

          By |May 29th, 2016|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Dating Scene|Tags: , |Comments Off on Not Her Type

            A Little Crabby

            Elise hadn’t minded the lack of privacy that came with running for public office, in her case for Lt Governor.  She felt strongly about her “Crustaceans’ rights” platform.  At one point, she had been accused of trying to claw her way to the top. She didn’t mind the accusation, but she hated that she had to have someone, a non crustacean, hold her up to face the cameras.  It was demeaning, as well,  trying to find a place to hook the lapel microphone for these media events.

            By |April 6th, 2016|Categories: Beach Scenes, Fishing, Pacific Northwest, Politics|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on A Little Crabby

              Keep Your Head Down

              Herbie, the foreman (big guy, middle), was always looking to pick an argument with anyone about anything.  When he walked in, the best thing to do was just keep your head down and hope he didn’t notice you. . .

              By |August 16th, 2015|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Keep Your Head Down