
    What Ever Happened to Wonder Bread?

    It’s a little known fact, but yes, Wal-Mart bought out Wonder Bread, and now the iconic loaf with a lot of air and a little flour, along with Twinkies, Ho Ho’s and Ding Dongs, are all made in China.  As urban legend can attest, shelf life has never been a problem . . .

    By |July 16th, 2015|Categories: China, Food, Pop culture|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on What Ever Happened to Wonder Bread?

      All That Glitters . . .

      Eustace, in favor of returning to the gold standard, tried to get his congressman to introduce a bill that that would not only reinstate the gold standard but attach a rider stating that all goldfish should be weighed in Troy ounces. His congressman reminded him that all that glitters is not gold, and that was especially true for three for a dollar goldfish bought at Wal-Mart’s pet department . . .

      By |April 8th, 2015|Categories: domestic animals, Politics|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on All That Glitters . . .

        Black Thursday

        Upon reflection, Linda Lou (in the brown car) decided she may have been a little overaggressive trying to be first in line for the heavily-discounted Wal-Mart flat screen TV. Turns out they did have more than one at the good price . . . Now, how would she get it home?

        By |November 27th, 2014|Categories: Bizarre, Pop culture, Urban scenes, Vehicles|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Black Thursday


          Lucinda was once again disappointed  in the bogus claims made by cosmetic manufacturers–the new lipstick was supposed to be waterproof, kiss-proof,sweat-proof, even algae -proof.  Clearly, this was going to require another trip to the Wal-Mart cosmetic section or customer service desk for a refund . . .

          By |August 4th, 2014|Categories: Reptiles & Amphibians|Tags: , |Comments Off on Disappointed