tax refund

    Out on a Limb–Again!

    Gary hated to admit it, but buying the custom wheels, tires, and the 12,000 LB winch for his Jeep with what should have been covered with his tax refund check had put them out on a financial limb again. They got a notice of audit instead of a check . . .

    By |April 21st, 2015|Categories: Birds, Vehicles|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Out on a Limb–Again!

      Tough Choices

      Janine was waiting for the tax refund check, and then she was going to buy shoes. The choices were:  8 sets of  shoes (for all 8 feet) at Payless, 4 sets at Nordstrom’s, or Jimmy Choos for the back 4 feet–the choices were tough . . .

      By |February 4th, 2015|Categories: Bugs, Spiders|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Tough Choices

      Looking Over His Shoulder

      To get a larger tax refund, Jurgen’s girl friend (now ex-girlfriend) had encouraged him to claim the interest payments on his home mortgage, even though he was almost a year in arrears on payments and about to be foreclosed on.  She talked Jurgen into using the money for a Mexican vacation in Cancun, but now, with the house gone, he was looking over his shoulder wondering when the tax man was going to come and get him.  . . . .  David, Sf.G.

      By |March 6th, 2013|Categories: Birds, Texas|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Looking Over His Shoulder