• Aloysius wanted to get into politics and thought he would run on the Reptiles Rights platform.  Sadly, his events and speeches didn't seem to be attracting that many supporters.  Who'd have thought  the PETA crowd wouldn't have gotten behind him at least a little . . .?
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Political Platform

By |November 9th, 2019|Categories: Politics, Reptiles & Amphibians|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Political Platform

    Campaign Weary

    It had been a tough, grueling campaign season for the Muley family, and they were glad Tuesday was the end.  Dad was stumping for the red group, Mom for the blue, and Twyla Sue, the baby, for PETA. Needless to say, there were some scheduling as well as fund raising and contribution conflicts. Meanwhile, Twyla Sue heard disturbing reports that Chick Fil A wasn’t vegan . . .

    By |November 4th, 2018|Categories: Exotic Animals, Montana, Politics|Tags: , |Comments Off on Campaign Weary

      Feeling Safe

      The girls didn’t understand, why should they join PETA, they were in India for goodness sake . . .?

      By |October 14th, 2018|Categories: domestic animals, India|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Feeling Safe

        Free Range

        As PETA planned their new world headquarters in Beijing, they were dedicated not only to ethical treatment for animals, but for everything, including building materials. Sourcing free range sand, gravel, cement, structural steel and especially wood was proving difficult and very expensive . . .

        By |June 6th, 2018|Categories: China, Urban scenes|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Free Range

          Free Range Water

          Damian’s hope was that when the PETA/Vegan crowd heard about his “free range water,” they would embrace the concept and his fortune would be made . . .

          By |July 3rd, 2017|Categories: Food, Landscapes, Montana|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Free Range Water

            Assistant Secretary for Reptile Fitness

            Jesse was hoping for a quick appointment as Assistant Secretary for Reptile Fitness. She was backed by PETA–good–but worried about her Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton backing . . .

            By |March 23rd, 2017|Categories: Exotic Animals, Health, Politics, Reptiles & Amphibians|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Assistant Secretary for Reptile Fitness