
    Loren was doing his best to entertain the group that had come to his Political Action Committee fund drive for his favorite politician and, the truth be told, he was a pretty fair stand up comedian.  He just wished he would never again hear “That guy quacks me up!”  Thinking about his famous relative, he just kept asking himself “What would Daffy Duck do?”

    By |November 9th, 2015|Categories: Birds, Politics|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on WWDDD?


    Loren was doing his best to entertain the group that had come to his Political Action Committee fund drive for his favorite politician and, the truth be told, he was a pretty fair stand up comedian.  He just wished he would never again hear “That guy Quacks me up”.  Thinking about his famous relative, he just kept asking himself “What would Daffy Duck do?” . . . .  David, Sf.G.

    By |July 25th, 2012|Categories: Birds|Tags: , , |Comments Off on WWDDD?