Glacier National Park


    Kenny didn’t mind being vegan, for folks his size the only alternative was bugs and worms.  Eating enough grass/seeds for 7 month hibernation took all summer . . .

    By |July 6th, 2017|Categories: Exotic Animals, Food, Montana|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Busy

      Fake News

      When CNN reported that Donald Trump was opening a  Glacier Park resort with yodeling bellboys and waitstaff, he tweeted “#fakenews, only the waitstaff would yodel . . .”

      By |July 5th, 2017|Categories: Landscapes, Montana, Politics, Pop culture|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Fake News

        Free Range Water

        Damian’s hope was that when the PETA/Vegan crowd heard about his “free range water,” they would embrace the concept and his fortune would be made . . .

        By |July 3rd, 2017|Categories: Food, Landscapes, Montana|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Free Range Water

          Former Snowflake

          Herbert, until recently a snowflake, found melting a little was quite liberating; he was giving up political protest and going to the ocean and beach . . .

          By |March 28th, 2017|Categories: Landscapes, Montana, Politics|Tags: |Comments Off on Former Snowflake

            Call Halliburton

            In an effort to create jobs and improve infrastructure, the U. S. Corps of Engineers had been tasked with building an airport here in Glacier Park to increase accessibility for tourists. The initial studies revealed several intriguing but difficult problems that would have to be overcome; perhaps they should get the Halliburton guys involved.

            By |January 27th, 2017|Categories: Landscapes, Montana|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Call Halliburton