Mary Kay Convention
Chrissy (in white) needed a little extra money to make the bills each month and went to check out the Mary Kay network selling plan. She just didn’t feel like she fit in, and she wasn’t that partial to pink. . . . . David, Sf.G.
Chrissy (in white) needed a little extra money to make the bills each month and went to check out the Mary Kay network selling plan. She just didn’t feel like she fit in, and she wasn’t that partial to pink. . . . . David, Sf.G.
Will was a dreamer, and day dreaming often made him lose track of hours at a time. Earlier today, the water was so still that he could see his reflection, and he kept trying to picture himself in the starring role of some new Animal Planet, Nature, or Nat Geo reality series featuring the complex lives of, well, birds like himself, and their interactions with other creatures–you know, the “Bird Whisperer”. Once he realized he had missed lunch with his day dreaming, he figured, “What the heck, let’s skip lunch and go straight to dinner. I’ll have my people call your people when I’ve made reservations.” . . . . . David, Sf.G.
While wading in the water just off the public beach, Bob saw a convoy of black vans and pursuit cars skid to a halt not far from him in the sand. As the armed SWAT teams got out, the leader, using a bullhorn, told Bob, “Don’t worry, we’re from the Internet,” but he was not comforted. Bob realized that he had been caught breaking the rules; he had placed the same ad on Craigslist twice at the same time in the same city, using two two separate E-mail addresses . . . . David, Sf.G.
Jerome (tall, white) had told his friends (the “Spoonbill Posse”) he wasn’t going to go to a buffet again, and yet here they were. His complaints were several; mediocre food, It was always lukewarm, and who knew what the people ahead of you put in it for a joke when you weren’t looking . . . . David, Sf.G.
Zoe had really begun to believe that the social media thing had some possibilities besides just being used for starting revolutions in the Middle East; a case in point, her girl friend Chloe had just texted her that the University of Phoenix (on line) was having a jobs fair in the park, and at the last minute, they had gotten Al Gore and his band The AlGoreRhythms to to do a gig. All she could say was, “Wow, The AlGoreRhythms, I must hurry”. . . . . David, Sf.G.