Dance of the Duckbutts
Henry and Heidi were all atwitter–they were practicing and practicing,–they intended to win first place in the “Dance of the Duckbutts” this year . . .
The Good China
“We are supposed to be best friends,” said James to Sandra and Julie, “but when we are invited to dinner, they never get out the good china!”
Duck Dynasty
Gwen, Sylvan, and Thomas were miffed on two accounts: First, not being language experts, they had mistaken the name of the popular TV show to be saying Ducks Die Nasty, which seemed to bring an undeserved bad name on ducks; second: how did that dumb TV show about ducks, not have any ducks in some sort of starring role or at least a cameo appearance?. . . . David, Sf.G.
Dance of the Duck Butts
There was a sense of celebration in the air! Finally, it was time for the Annual Dance Of The Duck Butts. . . . . David, Sf.G.