The Donald
The Donald, with his right leaning politics and hawkish outlook, had only one real challenge with his supporters and the media–his hair . . .
The Donald, with his right leaning politics and hawkish outlook, had only one real challenge with his supporters and the media–his hair . . .
Gonzalo, bald from his twenties, finally gave in to his wife and tried the black toupee. He thought it looked fake, it was hard to keep straight, and he couldn’t help but think of the Bette Midler song, “You are the wind beneath my wig” when the darn thing came loose on the edges while flying . . .
Gustav learned in school that the Caracara is often called a Mexican eagle. While proud of his Mexican heritage, he was equally proud of his Texan heritage. Would it take word from the Smithsonian or an act of Congress to make it a Texican Eagle?
After a couple of beers, when the good ol’ boys would talk like good ol’ boys sometimes do, a few of his friends had gotten the impression that Joey was a bit hawkish, but the truth of the matter was, he was really a fence sitter. . . . . David, Sf.G.
To get a larger tax refund, Jurgen’s girl friend (now ex-girlfriend) had encouraged him to claim the interest payments on his home mortgage, even though he was almost a year in arrears on payments and about to be foreclosed on. She talked Jurgen into using the money for a Mexican vacation in Cancun, but now, with the house gone, he was looking over his shoulder wondering when the tax man was going to come and get him. . . . . David, Sf.G.