
    Outer Bands

    Going for beer and chips, Lucien had underestimated the strength of Hurricane Mathew and suddenly found himself in Kugluktuk, Canada . . .

    By |October 7th, 2016|Categories: Birds|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Outer Bands

      No Illegals

      Hearing about the influx of unaccompanied children coming across the Rio Grande River into Texas gave Ike, who lives in Northern Idaho next to the Canadian border, reason for concern. He was pretty sure the thought of swimming across the glacier-fed lake would act as a deterrent for the pesky Canadian kids, but nonetheless, he spent most of his daylight hours in his pickup, watching. Just in case . . .

        Predictable Results

        When Byron, who lives in Toronto, Canada and is an accountant, not an equipment guy, tried to save a few bucks by reprogramming the timer for his irrigation system, the results were predictable . . .

        By |January 1st, 2014|Categories: Landscapes|Tags: , |Comments Off on Predictable Results

          Anchor Babies

          Elaine had been born in Canada, near Revelstoke, B.C., but had spent her first winter in Mexico, in the Gulf of California.  Now here she was two years later in Northern Idaho with a bunch of ducklings who were clearly U. S. citizens.  She was having an uphill battle trying to convince her friends the little ones weren’t just anchor babies, after all, they didn’t get free school lunches or have medicaid cards.  Should she, though, be worried that ICE would come checking passports?. . . . . David, Sf.G.

          By |November 14th, 2013|Categories: Birds, Idaho, Pacific Northwest|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Anchor Babies

          Understanding Obamacare

          When Larry’s accountant finally explained what he thought (though he was still unclear on) about how Obamacare would affect Larry and his herd, Larry did the only thing he could think of —he headed for Canada with the girls and the kids. . . .  David, Sf.G.

          By |July 11th, 2013|Categories: Exotic Animals, Montana|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Understanding Obamacare