Light Weights
TJ was disappointed when Amazon rejected his hummingbird Drone delivery concept. True they were fast and agile, but payload limits were a little light . . .
TJ was disappointed when Amazon rejected his hummingbird Drone delivery concept. True they were fast and agile, but payload limits were a little light . . .
Clarence, hearing all the hoo hah about private drones and privacy issues, thought he saw a market. So he went on Amazon and bought a GoPro and then ran a Craig’s List ad to find customers. He soon found out that Homeland Security, the FAA, DEA, CIA, the FCC, FBI and NSA were so busy downloading his streaming images that there was no band width left for his paying customers. The Alphabet guys were all insisting they were not using Clarence’s images for spying on Americans . . .
Henry hated to admit it–he’d never Tweet it or post in on his Facebook page at the risk of being called wimpy, but dang, he really had cold feet flying here in Alaska. He wondered: “Shouldn’t I be able to find something, anything, in the way of foot warmers on Amazon or eBay?” . . . . . David, Sf.G.
Larry was pretty well ready for winter, plenty of feathers to keep him warm, except for his head. He would prefer a classy camel colored Homburg or a navy beret, but finding anything in his head size was all but impossible. Not even eBay or Amazon had anything. Once again, it looked like he was going to be buying a pair of ladies “small” ski socks and cutting an opening for his beak and two eye holes. That was going to be it. He was pretty sure this was not going to attract the ladies. . . . . David, Sf.G.