
    Excess Luggage Charge

    Tabitha (pictured) was miffed. Since her husband had passed away, she had been saving her money to take a trip to visit her family. She had viewed her egg sack as carry-on luggage, but the airline’s new rules said it didn’t qualify–they insisted that she either purchase another seat, or pay the fee to have it travel as checked luggage . . .

    By |August 5th, 2018|Categories: Spiders, Travel|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Excess Luggage Charge

      Appropriate Dress

      It had been called a casual outdoor event, but Hector told Billy that they should have taken London’s winter weather into account . . .

      By |August 1st, 2018|Categories: Travel, Urban scenes, World Travel Sites|Tags: , |Comments Off on Appropriate Dress

        Just a Taste

        Michael was stupefied; he had  just taken a small taste of the NY NY tourist lady’s ice cream as he poked his head out of the shrubbery, and she threw her iced cream cone in the trash and ran screaming . . .

        By |June 27th, 2018|Categories: Reptiles & Amphibians, Travel|Tags: , |Comments Off on Just a Taste

          Hard Rock Concert

          When Daniel heard about the Glacier Park Hard Rock Concert he was intrigued by the acoustics potential.  He was concerned there could be  power availability problems for the amps and lights, though . . .

          By |May 29th, 2018|Categories: Landscapes, Montana, Musicians, Travel|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Hard Rock Concert

            No Pat Downs

            Greg (pictured), though a high-mileage frequent flyer, was thinking about giving up flying; the invasive full body scan (who knew what long term danger that posed?) or the equally invasive pat down both seemed to be going way too far. He did wonder about the guy who told the TSA screener, “Don’t touch my junk!” Greg thought much more highly of his individual biological components than that. . .

            By |May 14th, 2018|Categories: Birds, Travel|Tags: , , |Comments Off on No Pat Downs

              No Pat Downs

              Greg (pictured), though a high-mileage frequent flier, was thinking about giving up flying; the invasive full body scan (who knew what long term danger that posed?) or the equally invasive pat down both seemed to be going way too far. He did wonder about the guy who told the TSA screener, “Don’t touch my junk;” Greg thought much more highly of his individual biological components than that.

              By |March 29th, 2018|Categories: Birds, Travel|Tags: , |Comments Off on No Pat Downs