Rocky Mountain High
Bertie knew it was a bit of a stretch harvesting the “volunteer” marijuana plants that had grown from the seeds tourists dropped, but it was for “medical use” only . . .
Bertie knew it was a bit of a stretch harvesting the “volunteer” marijuana plants that had grown from the seeds tourists dropped, but it was for “medical use” only . . .
Turns out they had booked the wrong Kid Rock; this one couldn’t do a concert in Nebraska . . .
Ginny’s brain had gotten stuck on the stupid “Do, a deer” song from The Sound of Music and was hoping she could replace it with a little Stevie Ray Vaughan . . .
Though slow, Hubert was glad to see the Goat Party was growing; it was now up to three. They weren’t sure who to back yet, but they were pretty sure it wouldn’t be Kim Jong Un . . .
Kenny didn’t mind being vegan, for folks his size the only alternative was bugs and worms. Eating enough grass/seeds for 7 month hibernation took all summer . . .
When CNN reported that Donald Trump was opening a Glacier Park resort with yodeling bellboys and waitstaff, he tweeted “#fakenews, only the waitstaff would yodel . . .”