A selection of Various Birds
Near Miss/Bird Strike
Pilots and air traffic controllers worried about bird strikes and near misses in the departure air space, but usually it was just one or the other . . .
The Winner, Mostly
Now that the other Republican contenders had dropped out, Donald could take a deep breath . . . and start a hostile takeover of Hillary . . .
Pay Attention
Candy wished she would learn to pay more attention–like noticing that door that slammed her beak– finishing the gossip just wasn’t that important . . .
Dance of the Duckbutts
Henry and Heidi were all atwitter–they were practicing and practicing,–they intended to win first place in the “Dance of the Duckbutts” this year . . .
Leaning Left
When a Trump supporter said Donald is leaning to the right, his buddy said not if you are seeing it from the audience . . .
Cold Turkey
When Benji’s wife insisted he quit smoking–go cold turkey– he (and she) hadn’t realized quite how tough it would be . . .