Beach Scenes


    When the new girls hit the beach for the first time in Florida for spring break, they felt like they had been surrounded by a bunch of hyenas or a pack of wolves. The concept of just relaxing or getting a tan appeared to be somewhat problematic . . .

    By |March 29th, 2015|Categories: Beach Scenes, Dating Scene, Flowers, Pop culture|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Surrounded!

      Water Boarding (California Style)

      When Jimmi was asked what he thought of the reports of water boarding by the CIA he said,”Like man, I like asked Betti, like my girlfriend? And like she goes ‘Like, whoa, dude, how could like use your board (long or short)  without like you know, water, dude.'”

      ” Like I mean she’s like right, you know, these things don’t work all that well on dry land, so well yeah, water is like cool, and so are boards, so like they go together . . .”

      By |December 9th, 2014|Categories: Beach Scenes, Pop culture, Sports|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Water Boarding (California Style)

        Mixed Media

        The reports were confusing; some said if you approached from the south, you heard  “Welcome to the Hotel California,” but if you approached from the north, you heard “Stairway To Heaven.”  If you approached straight on, you heard “Hail To The Chief” and the faces changed to look like the President . . .

          He’s My Rebel

          Justine (3rd from left, front row) has been dating Seth ( All black and white–no brown,  left middle) over her parents’ objection.  She just couldn’t help humming the old 60’s song, “He’s a Rebel” by the Crystals–“He’s a rebel and he’ll never ever be any good; he’s a rebel ’cause he never does what he should, just because his beak doesn’t tip like ours does, doesn’t mean I can’t give him all my love . . .”

          By |September 18th, 2014|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Musicians, Pop culture|Tags: , , |Comments Off on He’s My Rebel

            No Laughing Matter

            The guys knew they were called Laughing Gulls, and they usually had a good time in the morning, a Starbucks, an Egg-a-muffin, but today, after hearing the morning news–the Tex-Mex border problems (just down the road), Ebola in West Africa, hurricanes in Hawaii, fighting in the Ukraine, and of course the ongoing Middle East drama– they realized the news today was no laughing matter  . . .

            By |August 7th, 2014|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Natural Disasters|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on No Laughing Matter

              Best Used By Date

              Elaine was under the gun–this breeding plumage would only last so long.  The guys she met speed dating talked about little more than the 15 inch mullet they had caught for breakfast–or last year’s mate.  The online dating sites and singles bars hadn’t been any better.  She had hoped to find a math or science guy; some one to boost the collective gene pool percentile numbers  . . .

              By |May 19th, 2014|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Best Used By Date