Past Crimes
Larry’s sister, studying eastern religion, told him the reason he could eat nothing but raw fish was that he was really the third incarnation of a crooked Indian politician
Larry’s sister, studying eastern religion, told him the reason he could eat nothing but raw fish was that he was really the third incarnation of a crooked Indian politician
Gabriella was worried her antennas weren’t working right–she could only get NPR and an oldies station–no Rush Limbaugh or Hannity. A vast Left Wing conspiracy . . .?
Beau hadn’t heard any campaign promises that helped a moose–or any ungulates for that matter–so when the pollsters and campaign people called, he gave them the cold shoulder . . .
All of the worker bees were female, but unable to produce anything but honey for that fat queen and the skinny little males. Ellen wondered if she could initiate a class action suit . . .
Juan was offended; he wasn’t an ostrich, burying his head in the sand to avoid unpleasantness. There was just no other place to get a good meal of fat grubs . . .
Juan (pictured) felt like his job was going nowhere; it was doing meaningless work that had to be redone every day, and the wages were nothing to write home about. Some days, he felt like he was just chasing his tail.