tax audit

    Out on a Limb–Again!

    Gary hated to admit it, but buying the custom wheels, tires, and the 12,000 LB winch for his Jeep with what should have been covered with his tax refund check had put them out on a financial limb again. They got a notice of audit instead of a check . . .

    By |April 21st, 2015|Categories: Birds, Vehicles|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Out on a Limb–Again!

      Out on a Limb

      Michael had bought his Speedo just a little too big, and on the first dive–well, it was gone.  Out on a limb, hiding and waiting for everyone else to leave, he felt as vulnerable as Al Sharpton with a tax audit . . .

      By |April 30th, 2014|Categories: Reptiles & Amphibians, Sports|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Out on a Limb