Color Envy
Chandler knew his plumage, though just browns, was a class act, but some days he was a little wistful when he saw a tanager or cardinal . . .
Chandler knew his plumage, though just browns, was a class act, but some days he was a little wistful when he saw a tanager or cardinal . . .
Andy’s new girlfriend was wonderful–beautiful, funny, a great cook–but just couldn’t remember how to pronounce even important things. For instance, he was a Tanager, not a tangerine, and she got migraine headaches, not meringue headaches . . .
Fred (his friends called him Reddy Freddy) was tired of his friends, and especially their wives, inviting him over for dinner or beer and to watch a game with the real intent of trying to hook him up with one of the wives’ friends that hadn’t yet found a mate. He tried the “sneak out the back, Jack” routine but was a little too bright for that to go unnoticed . . .