Fast Tanner
When offered UVA and UVB sun block, Herbert said, “Never mind, I’m a fast tanner–let the melanin take care of it . . .
When offered UVA and UVB sun block, Herbert said, “Never mind, I’m a fast tanner–let the melanin take care of it . . .
Justine was so engrossed in 50 Shades of Gray that she forgot her SPF50 sunblock and was headed for 50 shades of red . . .
Belinda (6th row center) had been preaching to the group about the need for sun block for the light-skinned bunch–no melanin, no sunblock, no protection, die of melanoma, no fun. She was trying to get a group rate for biopsies and freezing off the pre-cancers, but nobody seemed to care. Who was “Hottest” seemed to be all anyone cared about . . .
Quint was growing concerned; even though he was careful in applying his sunblock (Supposedly water resistant SPF50) there were quite a few spots that seemed to get more exposure and resulting sunburn than others . . .
Conrad and his girlfriend, Sue, had both been working lots of overtime, and while it made for good paychecks, there seemed to be no time for fun. Finally they had a morning off to drive to the beach, but something told them they wouldn’t need sunscreen today. . . . . David, Sf.G.