Snuffy the Wonder Dog

    Getting In Too Deep

    Snuffy (The Wonder Dog) had briefly tried dabbling in politics, but quickly realized he probably was in over his head . . .

    By |October 17th, 2016|Categories: Dogs, Politics|Tags: , |Comments Off on Getting In Too Deep

    Calculating Dog Years

    When Snuffy the Wonder Dog applied for his pilot’s license, he was told that 4 years old was not sufficient; you had to be at least 16.  When Snuffy tried to explain the concept of dog years (7 dog years for each human year, actually making him 28) to the bureaucrat, it seemed like the man’s eyes just sort of glazed over. . . . .  David, Sf.G.

    By |November 1st, 2012|Categories: Dogs, Texas|Tags: , |Comments Off on Calculating Dog Years

    Too Tense

    As the political rhetoric heated up with elections nearing, and the financial world seeming to be in free fall, Snuffy (the wonder dog) was concerned it was all getting to him and thought he was just  too tense.  He was thinking of having his doctor prescribe an anti-anxiety medication or perhaps Xanax so that he could loosen up a bit.. . . .  David, Sf.G.

    By |September 9th, 2012|Categories: Dogs|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Too Tense