
    No Respect

    Since the budget cuts and downsizing–of both personnel and equipment–Clem had been forced to use a paddle board as his pilot boat to direct the super tankers and mega container ships to their docking site. He just didn’t feel he got the respect a pilot should have . . .

    By |May 8th, 2015|Categories: Beach Scenes, Economy, Texas, Vehicles|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on No Respect

      Calculating Dog Years

      When Snuffy the Wonder Dog applied for his pilot’s license, he was told that 4 years old was not sufficient; you had to be at least 16. When Snuffy tried to explain the concept of dog years (7 dog years for each human year, actually making him 28) to the bureaucrat, it seemed like the man’s eyes just sort of glazed over. . .

      By |March 6th, 2015|Categories: Dogs|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Calculating Dog Years