Nat Geo

    Some Assembly Required

    After watching Nat Geo and other nature programs, Graham decided that he could help prevent global warming by building a windmill to provide the power for his home.  When the equipment arrived, he recalled that the magazine said “Some assembly required . . .”

    By |October 15th, 2014|Categories: Bizarre, Politics|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Some Assembly Required

    Skipping Lunch

    Will was a dreamer, and day dreaming often made him lose track of hours at a time.  Earlier today, the water was so still that he could see his reflection, and he kept trying to picture himself in the starring role of some new Animal Planet, Nature, or Nat Geo reality series featuring the complex lives of, well, birds like himself, and their interactions with other creatures–you know, the “Bird Whisperer”.  Once he realized he had missed lunch with his day dreaming, he figured, “What the heck, let’s skip lunch and go straight to dinner. I’ll have my people call your people when I’ve made reservations.” . . . . .  David, Sf.G.

    By |January 29th, 2013|Categories: Beach Scenes, Birds, Texas|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Skipping Lunch