Marilyn Monroe

    Life Expectancy

    Twyla Sue knew, without doubt, she was a beauty and destine to go places, but she was concerned that such a large percentage of beautiful people seemed to die early.  Marylin Monroe, Elvis, Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Bob Marley, John Belushi and Natalie Wood, all gone before their time.  Yet the President, in spite of her repeated letters and emails, had done nothing to get the Surgeon General to look into greater longevity for the beautiful people . . .

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    SXSW Festival

    The turnout for the SXSW film festival in Austin drew the usual crowd of Glitterati–Cher, Al Gore and his band the AlGoreRhythms, Lady Gaga, Brad Pitt, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Donald Trump, Michelle Obama–even Al Sharpton made it as a guest of Spike Lee, as did  three Marilyn Monroe, four Elvis and one Richard Nixon look-alikes (oddly, no Michael Jackson look-alikes), but when Willie Nelson showed up (possibly under the influence of mind-altering substances) with his trumpet, and claimed that he was Miles Davis reincarnated, it was suggested that he “quit tooting his own horn”. . . . .  David, Sf.G.