
    Not “a Commie”

    Akame was quick to point out she was not a “commie” just because of the pronunciation of  her name and her decidedly pink color.  In fact, she listened daily to Rush Limbaugh . . .

    By |August 26th, 2015|Categories: Flowers, Politics|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Not “a Commie”


      Clarence was finding that being beautiful had its rewards, but also its downside. Last Thursday, for instance, he had been asked if the Red meant he was Republican, or if he was Communist, and his Irish friends asked if it meant he was a British Red Coat, and finally he was asked if he was the scarlet colored Wild Beast mentioned in the Bible book of Revelation . . .

      By |July 16th, 2014|Categories: Birds, Politics|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Red