A Bird Goes Into a Sushi Bar
A bird goes into a sushi bar, only to be told no red-necks, red commies, even Red Skelton look-a-likes can eat raw fish in that establishment . . .
Bird Umbrellas
Marc was quite surprised to have his patent application for “bird umbrellas” rejected on “functional usability” issues . . .
Language Problems
Jimbo, just in from Maine, was having a real problem with the local language–Span-Tex-Lish. What’s the difference between Y’all and All Y’all, Amigo . . .?
Identity Crisis
Red knew he was cool. The question: was he “big time ball player with a Mohawk” cool or “SNL Cone Head” cool . . .?
Color Envy
Chandler knew his plumage, though just browns, was a class act, but some days he was a little wistful when he saw a tanager or cardinal . . .