
    No Fly List

    Charlotte (pictured) was both amused and yet troubled; her recent trip to the Greek islands had been cancelled; it turns out she had been put on the “no fly list” by TSA. The trouble came about when a midlevel TSA bureaucrat read an article in The Scientific American during lunch where scientists had demonstrated mathematically that it was impossible for bees to fly, and, he wondered, if bees couldn’t fly, how would that affect the rest of the passengers and plane. . .

    By |May 22nd, 2015|Categories: Bugs, Flowers|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on No Fly List

      Calculating Dog Years

      When Snuffy the Wonder Dog applied for his pilot’s license, he was told that 4 years old was not sufficient; you had to be at least 16. When Snuffy tried to explain the concept of dog years (7 dog years for each human year, actually making him 28) to the bureaucrat, it seemed like the man’s eyes just sort of glazed over. . .

      By |March 6th, 2015|Categories: Dogs|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Calculating Dog Years

      Swimming Upstream

      His new job seemed to be going OK, but when he was trying to suggest easier or faster ways to get the job done, the bureaucracy made him feel like he was swimming upstream in a tough current. . . . . David, Sf.G.

      By |August 6th, 2013|Categories: Dogs, Texas|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Swimming Upstream