Slim Pickin’s
To Jimmy, the thought of living on a mansion seemed just as good as living in a mansion, but sadly, it had proved to be slim pickin’s
To Jimmy, the thought of living on a mansion seemed just as good as living in a mansion, but sadly, it had proved to be slim pickin’s
Gabriel was always a little miffed about the whining and sniveling from Kermit, the Sesame Street frog, about how hard it was to be green. His best pick-up line was, “Hey, good lookin’! I’m the color of money! Interested in getting a Green Mountain brew at Starbucks?”
While hangin’ with the guys (the cool guys) after the Friday night high school football game, Gordon, the head cool guy, suggested that Kenny (pictured) try some “chaw” (chewing tobacco). Turns out it wasn’t that cool of an experience, especially when the “cool” guys couldn’t quit laughing after he accidentally swallowed . . .
More than once, Iggy had sworn off the Big Bug All You Can Eat Cafe; the roaches were stale, the mosquitoes skinny, and the other bugs mediocre on a good day, but here he was again, over-full and full of heartburn . . .