• When Stacy-Sue's ex-boyfriend was asked why she called herself the "Selfie Queen", he said it's because she can't spell narcissistic . . .


  • While thinking her husband's description of their newly-acquired log cabin as needing "A little paint, a few nails" was quite optimistic, Chloe was really concerned about the bathing facilities come the Montana winter . . .  

A Little Paint, A Few Nails

By |July 26th, 2019|Categories: Architecture, Landscapes, Montana|Tags: , |Comments Off on A Little Paint, A Few Nails
  • Astronomers were trying to decide if solar flares had disturbed the orbit of the moon or if Gerry had bumped the telescope again . . .


By |July 25th, 2019|Categories: Astronomy|Tags: , |Comments Off on Questions
  • At first, Gabe resented being called a mockingbird--he never mocked anyone--well, maybe politicians, the Kardashians, reality shows, and WWR, but everyone mocked them, didn't they . . .?


By |July 24th, 2019|Categories: Birds, Politics, Pop culture|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Mockingbird
  • When Tommie John called the police station to ask if they knew about the fierce lightning storm on the other side of town, they said, "No need to worry; it's just the politicians debating  over at the fairgrounds . . . "


By |July 23rd, 2019|Categories: Landscapes, Politics, sunsets & rainbows|Tags: |Comments Off on Debates

Who . . . ?

By |July 22nd, 2019|Categories: Birds|Tags: , |Comments Off on Who . . . ?