As Beto O'Rourke finished his last day of skateboard fundraising for his presidential bid, he tweeted that he was leaving the crowded field and felt that his campaign was like the Tejas sunset that day, "goin' down . . ."
When the younger kids kept begging to stay in the water a little longer at the beach, their big brother Bob (kind of a bully--and in a hurry to get to McDonalds) said, "No, the day is nearly done and dark is when the sharks come to feed on kids that don't listen . . ."
When Betty heard that George Clooney was going to be on Dancing With The Stars, she hired a dancing coach to make sure she had the right moves, but the coach seemed somewhat stiff, not really getting in the groove or feeling the music . . .
Jimmy's visitors from New York were blown away by the Texas Gulf Coast sunset, but jimmy said it was "average--well, maybe just a little spectacular . . ."
Adele was getting strange social media posts, for example, would she be available to escort a group across the border next Thursday? She knew she didn't even know what or where the border was, and besides, she had a litter of pups to feed . . .
The offer of a zoo gig seemed good--plenty of food, no wolves or cougars--but as summer in Houston was starting in the 90's, he dreamed of the snow back in Alaska . . .