Pacific Northwest

    Tough Sledding

    Kenny was often puzzled by his girlfriend Ginnie’s literal mind.  When he told her that their canoe trip down the Kootenai river that spring was going to be “tough sledding,” her response was, “What happened to the canoes?” and “Do sleds float well enough . . . ?”

    By |February 20th, 2014|Categories: Idaho, Landscapes, Pacific Northwest|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Tough Sledding

      Waterfront Property

      Jean and Robert wished they had done an on site inspection of the water front property they had bought for retirement.  Yes, it was true, there was a creek that was one boundary for their property, but the creek bank was a little steeper and deeper than they had been led to believe . . .

      By |January 22nd, 2014|Categories: Landscapes, Pacific Northwest|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Waterfront Property

        Cash Flow

        Eugene, while walking along the river to fish, couldn’t but help think that the river was much like his cash flow situation after 3 divorces and child support: highly liquid, but flowing entirely the wrong direction . . .

        By |December 13th, 2013|Categories: Landscapes, Pacific Northwest|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Cash Flow

          A Little Foggy

          After a night of diligent partying, John found his brain a little foggy on where he had been and where he was going–not unlike the river that morning . . .

          By |December 8th, 2013|Categories: Landscapes, Pacific Northwest|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on A Little Foggy

            Anchor Babies

            Elaine had been born in Canada, near Revelstoke, B.C., but had spent her first winter in Mexico, in the Gulf of California.  Now here she was two years later in Northern Idaho with a bunch of ducklings who were clearly U. S. citizens.  She was having an uphill battle trying to convince her friends the little ones weren’t just anchor babies, after all, they didn’t get free school lunches or have medicaid cards.  Should she, though, be worried that ICE would come checking passports?. . . . . David, Sf.G.

            By |November 14th, 2013|Categories: Birds, Idaho, Pacific Northwest|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Anchor Babies

              Nursing in Public

              Mandy’s boss categorically stated that she couldn’t nurse on the job in places open to the public.  He claimed the new health care law offered free formula for just such cases.  Then, driving home and listening to some of the conservative talk show guys, she was told to be really careful– that formula was laced with secret “liberal enzymes” creating an incurable addiction to big government.  They further stated that it was made by a start-up rebirth of Solyndra, the failed Solar Panel start-up . . . . . David, Sf.G.

              By |October 29th, 2013|Categories: Exotic Animals, Pacific Northwest|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Nursing in Public