Tough Row to Hoe
When Georgie had entered politics, he had been told it was “A tough row to hoe.’ Turns out it was also a long one . . .
When Georgie had entered politics, he had been told it was “A tough row to hoe.’ Turns out it was also a long one . . .
Going with the flow was not that difficult to initiate; changing direction proved more difficult–a lesson politicians didn’t seem to learn . . .
Tim, down on his luck, saw the flooding in Texas and submitted a FEMA claim, but it was denied: Flathead County, Montana was not considered an “outlying county . . .”
Jack was worried–Vehicle inspection time was near– and those new computers just didn’t miss anything . . .
Annette had told her husband that the sprayer on the garden hose leaked and to be sure to turn of the faucet–he never listened . . .
The course had been rated “Challenging” with cautions for the sand trap before the 5th hole–perhaps an understatement . . .