Party Results

    Bruce, feeling scruffy and a little foggy, was beginning to think his wife was right–partying on Sunday night may not have been the best choice–and that last beer, well . . .

    By |February 12th, 2018|Categories: Exotic Animals, Idaho|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Party Results

      Like a Toothache!

      After getting settled in Idaho, Junie, when asked if she missed L.A., replied, “Yeah, like a bad toothache . . . !”

      By |June 26th, 2017|Categories: Idaho, Landscapes|Tags: |Comments Off on Like a Toothache!

        Insurance Scam

        Al’s mortgage banker was insisting on flood insurance; after all, he was in a “flood plain.”  Al was pretty sure it was just a bank scam to grab some cash . . .

        By |February 28th, 2017|Categories: Economy, Idaho, Natural Disasters|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Insurance Scam

          Back Trouble

          Mervyn (pictured) had been putting up with a sore back for years; his health insurance didn’t cover chiropractor visits.True, he wasn’t real active, didn’t dance or play basketball, but even if he had to pay for it himself, he was going to see the chiropractor and get this kink in his back straightened out.

          By |July 29th, 2016|Categories: Health, Idaho, Landscapes, Pacific Northwest|Tags: , |Comments Off on Back Trouble

            Cold Turkey

            When Benji’s wife insisted he quit smoking–go cold turkey– he (and she) hadn’t realized quite how tough it would be . . .

            By |April 8th, 2016|Categories: Birds, Health, Idaho|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Cold Turkey

              There Goes the Neighborhood

              Jack could only stand there and shake his head sadly; the new Forest Service signs said the area would be open to ATV’s in the summer and Snowmobiles in the winter.  He hadn’t minded the loggers so much, they came, cut and then left, but this had a more permanent feel to it.  All he could say was, “There goes the neighborhood.”

              By |April 6th, 2016|Categories: Exotic Animals, Idaho, Landscapes|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on There Goes the Neighborhood