
    Open Carry Fish

    With the high popularity in Texas for an open carry law for handguns, E-Man thought it was time that they should also approve an open carry law for fish. Carrying them concealed was just so messy and stinky, especially in summer, so to drive home his point, he begins all interviews and photo-ops by kissing a fish.

    By |March 18th, 2015|Categories: Bizarre, Fishing, Politics, Texas|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Open Carry Fish

      Close Quarters

      Kiki had just gone out to her mail box to check her mail but inadvertently had gotten surrounded and absorbed by a group of Ferguson protesters who were then arrested and subsequently taken off to a holding cell.  Kiki, a little claustrophobic,  was pretty sure the cell was not meant to hold that many folks–it was really close quarters.

      By |December 1st, 2014|Categories: Fishing, Politics, Pop culture|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Close Quarters

        Job Envy

        Everybody has their dream job, and most of Jack’s friends thought he had the job they wanted–testing fly fishing equipment in Glacier Park in Montana.  While it was a good job, and in a tight economy he was grateful for this–or any job–but his real dream job had always been creating chocolate covered or creme filled snack cakes for Little Debbie . . .

        By |October 16th, 2014|Categories: Fishing, Landscapes, Montana|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Job Envy

          Needs a Referral

          Kendra was puzzled; every time she had her teeth cleaned and tried to make an appointment for the next cleaning, the office managers would suggest she find a different dentist’s office . . .

          By |August 21st, 2014|Categories: Bizarre, Fishing|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Needs a Referral

            Size Matters

            Zenvo had asked her grandfather for a goldfish, and lacking further details, he assumed that bigger was better.  Zenvo didn’t want to seem critical, but when she showed her grandfather the size of here goldfish bowl–about 2 gallons–he quickly saw that size does matter.  Being alive would also be good . . .

            By |July 27th, 2014|Categories: Boats, Fishing|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Size Matters

              New Propeller

              Jim Bob loved bass fishing, and having the coolest or fastest bass boat was as important as catching the biggest or the most bass.  He was hoping his new propeller would give him   the edge.

              By |May 27th, 2014|Categories: Boats, Fishing, Texas|Tags: , , |Comments Off on New Propeller